Dear My Fear
Interactive & Narrative VR Experience
當世界套上名為強迫症和躁鬱症的濾鏡 OCD & Bipolar disorder used to filter my vision
Interactive & Narrative VR Experience
當世界套上名為強迫症和躁鬱症的濾鏡 OCD & Bipolar disorder used to filter my vision
Perception, cognition, definition, recollection, association, emotion.
Perception shapes cognition, definition molds memory, and association ignites emotion. Yet cognition confines definition, memory frames association, and emotion filters perception.
Riding on the crest of mania, I feel incredible — invincible. Yet depression and anxiety always follow , pulling me back into their undertow. Surfing between the waves of manic and depression, my emotions are distorted, my cognitions are deceived, and my associations are manipulated.
A thick, unrelenting filter beclouds over my senses, reshaping the world before me.
Nothing looks ever the same.
Begins with the raw recollections of an artist in recovery, and concludes with the clinical insight from a psychiatrist, here is the rare glimpse into the fractured yet vivid landscapes of the mind.
為了創造一個讓正視這些傷痕、治癒這些傷痛的空間,我的 VR 項目由此誕生。
I doubt the righteousness of myself talking about my illness a lot. “Whom could I share my experience on behalf of? My conditions weren’t that severe anyway. Am I even qualified to speak up for myself?”
I was indeed determined to work on this project when I noticed that I had again fallen into the loop of self-criticism - for not being “ill” enough. Going through self-blame and overthinking seems to be an unavoidable suffering from mental illness. I know how it feels, fearing that others might see me as overreacting or making a fuss over nothing, I deceived and negated my emotions and feelings from everyone, including my own self.
It took me some time to realize that only being properly addressed can ease the negative emotions, and only through conversations and normalizing the existence can cure mental illnesses.
To create a space for us to acknowledge, discuss and heal the often-hidden wounds, this is where my VR project originated.
Dear my fear. To my dearest friend, enemy, yet mentor.
| 免費入場 | Free admission |
| 建議預留45分鐘體驗時間 | Suggested experience time: 45 mins |
|日期及時間 Date & Time |
29-30 Mar 2025 11am - 8pm
| 地點 Venue |
灣仔茂蘿街7 號 2樓展廳
7 Mallory Street Wan Chai 2/F Exhibition area
Dear My Fear - VR will be available online for free public download at the early Apr 2025.
| 免費入場 | Free admission |
|日期及時間 Date & Time |
20 Feb 2025 12 -7 pm
21 Feb 2025 2 - 8 pm
| 地點 Venue |
香港城市大學 邵逸夫創意媒體中心M9001
M9001, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong
香港心聆「我就是我More Than a Label」計劃協辦,與臨床顧問和復元人士對談為精神疾病去污名化,並分享VR創作心得。
Open dialogue co-host with MindHK's 'More Than a Label' campaign, featuring clinical advisors and recovery ambassadors on mental illness destigmatization
Behind-the-scenes insights on Virtual Reality creation under UE5.
| 語言 Language |
粵語 Cantonese
| 日期及時間 Date & Time |
21 Feb 2025 12 - 1 pm
| 地點 Venue |
香港城市大學 邵逸夫創意媒體中心M1052
M1052, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, City University of Hong Kong
特別嗚謝心大心細 Big Heart Small Heart的蜜蜂醫生和Leo醫生。
Funded & Supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) under the 1st Edition of the “Young Art-Tech Talents Residency Scheme”.
Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.